Be a Sponsor
Be a Sponsor
Types of Sponsorship Levels
The Deadline to sign up as a Sponsor is August 20, 2022
Event Sponsor $2000+
Highlighted exposure in the conference program, including full-page ad opposite the event description
• Special recognition at the sponsored event and in pre-conference promotional emails
• Exclusive event signage with your logo on each table
• Option to provide promotional materials for inclusion in conference registration bag
• Four complimentary conference registrations
Conference Sponsor $1000
Only 2 available! In addition to Preservation Sponsor benefits:
• Highlighted exposure on the back cover of the program
• Special recognition at the event
• Exclusive event signage with your logo
• Two complimentary conference registrations
Preservation Sponsors $500
In addition to Conservation Sponsor benefits:
• Highlighted exposure in the conference program, including full-page ad (8 inches tall by 5 inches wide)
• Recognition on event signage outside of meeting rooms
• Single complimentary conference registration
Conservation Sponsors $250
In addition to Foundation Sponsor benefits:
• Highlighted exposure in the conference program, including half-page ad (4 inches tall by 4 inches wide)
• Table space at conference showcasing business products or services
Foundation Sponsor $100
• Recognition at a conference event
• Highlighted exposure in conference program, including your company logo
• Company logo on conference webpage with hyperlink
• Company sponsorship recognition in pre-event email
ADVERTISING NOTE: All ad design to be completed by purchasing company. Ads must be submitted as a JPEG or PDF. All ads must be in gray scale; if not, they will be converted. Logo can be submitted as JPEG, PNG or PDF. Transparent background preferred.
Making Connections between people, knowledge and powerful ideas will build our story of Idaho’s diverse heritage and expand our reach together.
Whether you are an historian, archaeologist, teacher, student, community leader, museum professional or volunteer, amateur preservationist or simply a local history buff we invite you to attend Idaho's Heritage Conference.
Past Conference Photos & Quotes